Tumbledown Cottage, Churchstanton, Taunton
01823 602 829
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Registered company address (not for correspondence):

28 Alexandra Terrace, Exmouth. EX8 1BD

Company number 08728228

VAT registration number 300029276.


January, 2019

All the posts published

Your Progress 17/01/19 Scope of works and quote agreed. 23/01/19 Site Survey 03/02/19 Progress checked and confirm on track. 08/02/19 Regs work completed subject to final checks. 12/02/19 Project checked and ready for submission; our invoice to follow shortly. 15/02/19 Invoice paid, application made; council payment info to follow. 16/03/19 Respond to any questions from the council. 01/04/19 BUILDING CONTROL DECISION DUE

Your Progress 5/12/18 Scope of works and quote agreed. 07/1/2019 All additional information requested uploaded to client portal and reviewed. 22/01/19 Progress checked and confirm on track. 28/01/19 Regs work completed subject to final checks. 29/01/19 Project checked and ready for submission; our invoice to follow shortly. 04/02/19 Invoice paid, application made; council payment info to follow. 04/03/19 Respond to any questions from the council. 18/03/19 BUILDING CONTROL DECISION …

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January, 2019 | The Complete Building Regs Service