Tumbledown Cottage, Churchstanton, Taunton
01823 602 829
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Registered company address (not for correspondence):

28 Alexandra Terrace, Exmouth. EX8 1BD

Company number 08728228

VAT registration number 300029276.


Shortcode Test

How the building regulations process works;

Based on your initial design / planning drawings, we create annotated versions of all of your floor plan drawings, marking them up with comprehensive building regs compliant notes, which not only identify the requirements, but also give useful construction tips and health and safety information. In addition to this we create at least one simple cross section drawing of your proposed works, to which we add highly detailed 1:20 scale full colour ‘thumbnail’ drawings of the key construction intersections showing you exactly how to construction your building. The building regs. notes and drawings are from our comprehensive knowledge library which is constantly updated and added to, ensuring they are fully building regs. compliant, only recommend the most up to date techniques and materials, and follow the guidelines of the Accredited Construction Details.

Depending on your project, this is then the time we would produce any structural or SAP (energy rating) calculations.

All of this information is then compiled and forms your full plans building regulations application. We submit this on your behalf either to the local council, or to a private building control firm.

Your application is then reviewed by building control who carry out a ‘plan check’ to ensure they are happy that when you start building, the works will be compliant. This plan check process takes about 6 weeks.

Once they have approved the plans, you are free to commence works. They will need to be informed before you start, and they will want to carry out site inspections to ensure the works you do on site match those proposed on our plans – typically your building will arrange these visits and meet with the inspector on site.

Once the works are complete and building control have received any completion notices – e.g.electrical tests, they will provide you with a completion certificate which you should keep with your household documents.

During this whole process we give you access to your own ‘My Project’ link where we share with you the expected timetable for your project, links to any information of interest, and update you as to our progress.

Shortcode Test | The Complete Building Regs Service