Tumbledown Cottage, Churchstanton, Taunton
01823 602 829
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Registered Address

Registered company address (not for correspondence):

28 Alexandra Terrace, Exmouth. EX8 1BD

Company number 08728228

VAT registration number 300029276.


Test Calculator

Professional Regulations Cost Calculator

Create an estimate and enquire today.



Thank you, we will contact you within 5 working hours.

What works are you planning?

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Existing Roof Type

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Roof Types

How many different roof construction types are included? i.e pitched roof with loft space, flat roof, vaulted roof.

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Wall Types

How many different wall construction types are included? i.e traditional block / brick cavity wall, timber frame, solid stone.

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This is the total square meterage of the internal floor space - for ALL stories, to calculate this, simply multiply the length by the width for each floor.

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None = normal household openings i.e. doors + windows.
Simple = slightly larger openings i.e. big bi-fold doors, vaulted roofs, big open plan space.
Complex = basements / below ground works, corner windows, or all of the above.

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How many storeys are you planning to build?

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Wall Types

How many different wall construction types are included? i.e traditional block / brick cavity wall, timber frame, solid stone.

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Roof Types

How many different roof construction types are included? i.e pitched roof with loft space, flat roof, vaulted roof.

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This is the total square meterage of the internal floor space - for ALL stories, to calculate this, simply multiply the length by the width for each floor.

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None = normal household openings i.e. doors + windows.
Simple = slightly larger openings i.e. big bi-fold doors, vaulted roofs, big open plan space.
Complex = basements / below ground works, corner windows, or all of the above.

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How many storeys are you planning to build?

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Wall Types

How many different wall construction types are included? i.e traditional block / brick cavity wall, timber frame, solid stone.

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Roof Types

How many different roof construction types are included? i.e pitched roof with loft space, flat roof, vaulted roof.

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This is the total square meterage of the internal floor space - for ALL stories, to calculate this, simply multiply the length by the width for each floor.

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None = normal household openings i.e. doors + windows.
Simple = slightly larger openings i.e. big bi-fold doors, vaulted roofs, big open plan space.
Complex = basements / below ground works, corner windows, or all of the above.

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Council Fees

Would you like to include council fees in this estimate?

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Council Fees

Would you like to include the council fees in this estimate?

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Council Fees

Would you like to include the council fees in this estimate?

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Council Fees

Would you like to include the council fees in this estimate?

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Would you like to include the SAP and water usage calculations? SAP calculations are required for a new build house but you may choose to supply this to us directly.

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How many storeys are you planning to build?

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My Step

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If you would like a fixed price quote, please use the email link below to forward this summary (happens automatically) and attach any plans, drawings, photos etc. you think may be useful. We will then contact you with a fixed price quote, or to request more information, within 5 working hours


Description Information Quantity Price
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Total :
Test Calculator | The Complete Building Regs Service